Embracing Boldness: Navigating Business Success

What does it mean to be bold? To be bold is to not care (to an extent). Not caring about what other people think is an act of boldness. Does this mean you cease to care about what clients think? Absolutely not, but there are always going to be people that aren’t a good match for you. In business, it is okay to not be a good fit for someone, and it’s important to not allow your feelings to get hurt and to have the confidence to continue to propel forward. Last month we talked about fear. Without fear, there wouldn’t be anything to propel you in the next direction! This progression and leap that you take are bold. In times of fear, we have the option to either fight or flight. The fight option is choosing to be bold. You have to get uncomfortable to do great things!

Having the confidence to be you and to do what you do best without letting others drive decisions creates success. Ashley says if she let clients dictate how she works then she would not have been in business this long! Ashley exhibits boldness in her work — fixing events takes a lot of risks, you have to deconstruct someone else’s work and execute something successful quickly — this takes a lot of confidence and boldness in a different way. To be a successful business owner you have to learn to fail fast, take risks, and be uncomfortable. It’s important to learn how to constantly adapt to make changes for improvement each and every time. To be bold is to do the things that aren’t always the most favorable. The general public is less risky because risk doesn’t feel comfortable to people. But in choosing the risk, you open yourself (and your business) to the highest reward. What are you going to do today to be bold? What have you done lately that shows your boldness?


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Q&A: The Effects of Fear on Life and Business