What’s Your Legacy?

Take a moment and think about your life right now. Think about where you’re at in your career, personal and professional relationships, and hobbies. How do you want to be remembered? More importantly, how do you want to be known while living?

How do you train people and live beyond your career? Ashley has had many people that she’s mentored come back to her and tell her that they were doing something in their work life and thought of what Ashley would do and what she had taught them. Ashley puts emphasis on sending highly trained successful human beings out into the world and the workplace. Leaving a legacy isn’t important to everyone but for her, leaving a legacy is greatly important to her in terms of how she practices business and how she builds other people up.

Last month we talked about fear and making decisions out of fear. How would things change if you were told you have 30 days left to live? Having an expiration date on life has the power to either instill fear and cause paralysis, or it can cause a person to do everything to live life to their fullest. How would you change every little thing you’re doing and how would this affect what you really care about? Your perspective and how you intake and perceive other people’s opinions would change.

Often times we get caught up in the moment — with our home lives, jobs, and relationships — and we forget there is a bigger world out there. There are SO many events that happen every day and every year — there is so much that can be done when you look at the bigger picture. By reminding ourselves of how many things are out there available to us and how broad our horizons are we can lighten our loads. If we are able to lighten our loads, then we can approach each day with a positive attitude. When you propel positivity, you, therefore, propel business. On the other hand, the more negative and pessimistic you are the more you attract negative things. Positivity pushes and propels you to bigger and better things. You attract the energy that you exert. Whatever energy you give out — your clients and colleagues see it — and you feel other people’s energies too.


The Earthquake that Shook San Francisco


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