Plato Elevate 2024: Bigger & Better

After a successful Elevate 2023, both our team and the Plato team knew we had to do it again. This year, the event also came at an exciting time with Plato’s big announcement that Coda had acquired them. As the #1 Engineering Leadership Conference, this year was the biggest event yet with over 1,000 attendees, over 50 keynotes, over 100 roundtables, and of course, zero B.S. advice!

Who is Plato?

Plato is a community that supports engineering leaders through personalized mentorship, cohort-based learning, and access to exclusive content.

Key Features of Plato


  • One-on-One Mentorship: Plato connects engineering leaders with experienced mentors for personalized guidance and support. These mentors are often seasoned engineering leaders from top tech companies.

  • Cohort-Based Learning: Participants can join small, focused groups that work through curated content and discussions, enhancing collaborative learning and networking.

Content and Resources:

  • Workshops and Webinars: Plato offers a variety of workshops and webinars on relevant topics such as leadership, productivity, and technical skills.

  • Exclusive Articles and Case Studies: Access to in-depth articles and case studies that provide insights and strategies from industry experts.


  • Networking Opportunities: Plato fosters a strong community of engineering leaders, providing opportunities to network, share experiences, and learn from peers.

  • Events: The platform organizes events like the Plato Elevate conference, where industry leaders share knowledge and best practices.

Platform Benefits:

  • Skill Development: Helps engineering managers enhance their leadership, communication, and technical skills.

  • Career Advancement: Provides tools and support for career progression and tackling workplace challenges.

  • Continuous Learning: Encourages continuous professional development through regular content updates and learning modules.

The Event

Plato Elevate is an annual conference that exemplifies the platform's mission by bringing together top engineering leaders to discuss practical solutions to real-world problems. The event includes keynotes, roundtables, and workshops on various topics relevant to engineering management and leadership.

For more information, you can visit Plato's official website.


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