What Socks Have to Do With Registration

Registration might sound boring, but not the way we do it! We often do different things for our registration sponsors or the engagement of our attendees. This year at Plato Elevate, the team partnered with sponsor GitStart to implement a playful engagement tactic into registration.

The Sock Campaign

Upon registration, attendees were handed a single sock from GitStart. Accompanying the sock was a card that read, "No one likes mismatched socks. Please come visit our booth to receive the second." This clever strategy served multiple purposes:

  1. Engagement: It created an immediate, light-hearted interaction, making attendees smile and sparking curiosity.

  2. Booth Traffic: By requiring attendees to visit the GitStart booth to complete their pair of socks, it ensured increased foot traffic and direct engagement with the sponsor.

  3. Memorability: The humorous and unusual nature of the swag made the registration process and the sponsor stands out in the minds of the attendees.

This approach demonstrates how thoughtful and creative touches can transform standard event processes into opportunities for engagement and interaction.

Importance of Swag at Registration

Handing out swag at registration is more than just a giveaway—it's the first touchpoint of the event experience. Well-designed swag can:

  • Set the Tone: Unique or high-quality items can create a positive first impression and set the tone for the rest of the event.

  • Encourage Participation: Items that require follow-up actions (like the second sock) encourage attendees to explore more of the event.

  • Brand Recall: Useful or fun swag can keep the event and sponsors in attendees' minds long after the event concludes.

Beyond Socks: Other Swag Ideas

While the sock campaign was a standout, numerous other creative swag ideas can be implemented to enhance attendee engagement:

  • Interactive Items: Puzzle pieces or scavenger hunt clues that lead attendees to different booths or sessions.

  • Tech Gadgets: Branded portable chargers, or Bluetooth speakers that are useful and appreciated.

  • Eco-Friendly Options: Reusable water bottles, tote bags, or plantable seed cards that appeal to environmentally conscious attendees.

  • Personalized Items: Custom-engraved name tags or notebooks that add a personal touch.

The registration experience at events like Plato Elevate is a crucial element that can set the stage for a memorable and engaging conference. By incorporating creative strategies like the sock campaign, organizers can ensure that attendees start their experience with a smile and a sense of curiosity, ready to engage fully with the event. This initial touchpoint not only enhances attendee satisfaction but also provides valuable opportunities for sponsors to connect with their audience in a meaningful way. Eager to learn more about the registration process? Coming soon to Ask Ashley, Ashley is joined by the Collective’s Registration Lead, Michael Dotson!


Plato Elevate 2024: Bigger & Better