Hacks for Productivity

How do you stay productive every day? We all have days when it's more difficult to be productive. That's why it's important to have a few tricks up your sleeve to keep yourself in a productive state. Here are some helpful hacks for productivity.

Learn to say “no”

Saying no can be hard for some people, but in order to boost your productivity, you have to learn to say no sometimes. Saying no isn’t a bad thing sometimes.

Utilize red and blue colors more frequently

Studies have shown that red and blue colors improve brain performance, with red increasing attention to detail and blue sparking creativity. To enhance your productivity, surround your desk and workplace with these colors (don’t forget to remove clutter too)!

Listen to productive music

Music is a fantastic form of therapy for helping people stay focused and productive. Pick music that helps you concentrate on your current task. Look up playlists on Spotify curated for working!

Follow the two-minute rule for small tasks

Do not waste time debating whether to complete the numerous tiny jobs that pop up throughout the day. Instead, decide if you can finish the activity in two minutes or less; if so, complete that task. If not, put the task on your list of things to do later.

Utilize templates for regular tasks

Create templates for recurring tasks that are always created in the same way. You'll get a lot more done and save a ton of time as a result.

Group similar tasks

Similar tasks should be completed in groups so that you may focus on them all at once. This will improve the efficiency of your work process and enable you to do more in less time.

Work near natural light

Establishing your desk next to natural light is an easy productivity hack. Sunlight exposure is thought to enhance sleep, which will enhance your well-being and level of productivity.

Take time to reattach and detach from work each day

After finishing the day's work, you usually try to detach yourself from it. Spend a few minutes each morning to reattach your work by reflecting on your successes from the previous day or your goals for the current one.


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