Tips & Tricks Maddie Smiley Tips & Tricks Maddie Smiley

Hacks for Productivity

How do you stay productive every day? We all have days when it's more difficult to be productive. That's why it's important to have a few tricks up your sleeve to keep yourself in a productive state. Here are some helpful hacks for productivity.

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Foundations of Events, Tips & Tricks Maddie Smiley Foundations of Events, Tips & Tricks Maddie Smiley

If You Can Dream It…

We can turn your event dreams into reality! Our CEO transformed Lombard Street into a life-sized Candy Land board, showcasing our ability to execute extraordinary concepts. When it comes to events, it's crucial not to limit your dreams. However, remember the 'Good, Fast, Cheap' model: you can't have all three at once. For something exceptional, like our CandyLand project, prioritize quality over speed and cost.

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Tips & Tricks Maddie Smiley Tips & Tricks Maddie Smiley

Tips for Productivity

Working from home? Here are some tips:

1. Stick to a Schedule: Maintain a consistent sleep routine and prioritize a good night's sleep.

2. Task Priority: Follow the 80-20 rule to focus on high-impact tasks.

3. Dress for Success: Dress professionally to boost productivity.

4. Designate a Workspace: Create a distraction-free work area.

5. Take Breaks: Schedule breaks and meals like you would at the office.

6. Separate Work and Home: Close your laptop when your workday ends to maintain a work-life balance.

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