Tips for Productivity

Working from home? So are we! It's not always easy, so here are some tips for those who are still adjusting to it!

Keep a schedule!

Go to sleep and wake up as if you were going into an office. Keeping a regular sleep schedule maintains the timing of the body's internal clock and can help you fall asleep and wake up more easily. Don't stay up late and sleep in late just because you can, having a routine is important. If you feel tempted to stay up late and work but you have a frazzled brain, get some sleep and revisit your work in the morning. A good day starts with a good night!

Also, be sure to prioritize tasks by completing things that accomplish measurable results. A good rule for prioritizing is the 80-20 rule; block 80 percent of your time for tasks with measurable results and 20 percent of your time for busy work, such as answering emails and returning calls.

Get ready for work!

Get dressed in the morning as if you were leaving the house. Don't stay in the pajamas you wore last night! This will help you feel ready for the day and be more productive. Another helpful method for productivity is to identify your goals for the workday in the morning! Knowing what significant goals you want to achieve each day will help you focus on what’s most important and give you something to track what you worked on that day. Doing this right away on a blank sheet of paper is a great way to get started on your day.

Set up a workspace!

It's easy to get distracted at home with everything else surrounding you like dishes, laundry, and the TV. Set up a designated space to work with basic office necessities if possible. It’s a good idea to isolate yourself from as many distractions as possible so you can focus on tasks and projects without interruption.

Make sure you eat and take breaks!

Take breaks and eat lunch like you would if you were at an office. It's easy to get caught up in something but it's important to stop and replenish. Taking breaks reduces your level of productivity!

Finally, go "home."

It's hard to draw the line between work and home when you do your work from home. Be sure that when the day is done, close your laptop and be present in your personal life.

Do you regularly work from home? What are your best practices? How do you stay productive?


May the Fourth Be With You!